You Sabotage Yourself Unconsciously - Lisa Schermerhorn
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You Sabotage Yourself Unconsciously

You Are Not Your Own Best Friend
Now that the New Year is upon us, have you made any resolutions?
Shed Pounds, Make More Money, Stop Drinking, Stop Smoking,
Unplug from Social Media?


How’s it working for you so far?
Are you aware that from birth to about nineteen years of age, your brain is in the state of being programmed? Children’s brain frequencies are very different from those of adults.  They are much slower, allowing them to absorb large amounts of information.


That information becomes your normal. 
Your belief system such as:
what love is, how to relationship, what food means, how smart you are, your religion/faith, your culture, and anything traumatic happening in your life is buried deep inside you.  Most of us try to suppress those feelings and choose not to deal with them.


Beliefs are most often unconscious.  How many times do we do things and we don’t even know why?
Even though those beliefs are programmed into us at a very young age,
they often sabotage us throughout most of our adult life unless we access those beliefs and change them.
How cool would it be to talk to the unconscious parts sabotaging you and give them a new job?
Hypnosis is one tool that can do just that.


Change Your Mind, Change Your Life and


Then You Can Be Your Own Best Friend!
  • Faith Therrien
    Posted at 11:59h, 09 November Reply

    I would like to know if you are able to do hypnosis for quitting smoking? What is the cost? how many sessions are needed? Does it work? I am unable to use the patches as I am allergic to them, The gum is not strong enough, the lozenges do not work either, I have done Chantix, which made me crazy. I have tried the nasal spray and the nicotrol. None have worked for me. I really need to quit as I have plaque building up all through my body. Please help me?

    • LisaS
      Posted at 17:26h, 13 November Reply

      Hi Faith,
      Thank you so much for contacting me. Yes I use hypnosis all the time to help people quit smoking. It can take 1-3 sessions. I know this seems hard but hypnosis taps into the subconscious level and gets to the root of why you are smoking so you don’t transfer this habit onto a new one….such as eating, etc. I will reach out to you with more info now. Thanks and you can do this.

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